Hello and welcome back to What To Play! We’ve returned from a little hiatus, which you definitely noticed and have been very sad about, of course. It’s finally edging towards spring here in the UK, but don’t let that tempt you into going outside, there’s video games to be a-playin’!
As ever, this is where we’ll round up the best games from the month gone by, and the things we’re most excited to play from the month ahead – plus, any other suggestions for what might complement it. Here’s What To Play This May 2024.
The best games from last month
Botany Manor
Availability: Out now on PC, Switch, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.

Here’s what we said in our Botany Manor review:
Sure, its rust-nibbling aquatic blooms and musically inclined ferns are fictions, but they’re no more bizarre than, say, bladderworts – millimetres-high carnivorous flowers capable of generating nearly 600 times the force of gravity to suck in their prey – or the Mimosa pudica, which shyly recoils its delicate fern-like leaves when touched. Perhaps an afternoon in Botany Manor’s company will inflame your own curiosity for nature, or perhaps you’ll simply be content to explore its sun-dabbled corners, solve its few clever puzzles, and enjoy the timeless pleasures of an enchanting summer’s day stroll.
Children of the Sun
Availability: Out now on PC.

Here’s what we said in our Children of the Sun review:
…it’s a bloody good time. Scoping the map, tagging the enemies, locating hidden targets, identifying environmental traps that can do the dirty work for you; Children of the Sun is not fun to play, not least because the neon-soaked graphics and bloody explosions and tense soundscape seem to go out of their way to make you feel as uncomfortable as possible. But when you get it right? When your bullet rips through the final mark on the map and the word “Dead” – stylised and canary-yellow – flashes triumphantly across the screen? I can’t remember the last time a game made me feel this good about being this bad.
Availability: Out now on PC.
Here’s what we said in our Ikbound review:
Few games are as immediately engrossing as Inkbound, even taking into account the slightly unusual combat, and few games are then as consistently entertaining. Don’t be put off by how it looks – Inkbound, like Monster Train before it, is another stand-out in the roguelike genre.
Tales of Kenzera: Zau
Availability: Out now on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PC, Switch.

Here’s what we said in our Tales of Kenzera: Zau review:
The games industry needs diverse stories, both to highlight difference and prove their universality. Tales of Kenzera excites with its authenticity, yet its true power lies in its emotive, earnest narrative that tells a father-son story of grief that relates to us all and our hope for the future. As Zau tells Kalunga: “one thing I know about the human spirit is that if there is a chance – even a shred of hope – of potentially making things better, we take it.” So reach out and grab it.
Stellar Blade
Availability: Out now on Ps5.

Here’s what we said in our Stellar Blade review:
I don’t know if there’s a universal winning formula for a great action game out there, but Stellar Blade sure has tried its hardest to reverse-engineer one. Like Bayonetta? Here, take an English lady zipping about in heels, annihilating monsters to a delectable soundtrack. Dark Souls fan? Rest at this camp to refill your potions, and better brush up on those parrying and dodging skills! You like God of War? How about a dozen different finishers that would make Kratos blush. Melee combat not for you? Have a gun. Turns out, cherry-picking from the last 15 years of video game action and pumping it into a single campaign of relentless hacking and slashing is fun. Really fun.
Sand Land
Availability: Out now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S.

Here’s what we said in our Sand Land review:
Sand Land feels like a passion project, the rare example of an anime game that actually elevates and improves the story it was based on. Sand Land doesn’t get everything right, but it’s more than I ever hoped for or expected. Most importantly however, I think ILCA should be extremely proud of doing Akira Toriyama’s legacy justice. Sand Land is the game that his fans deserve, and a wonderful final reminder of the incredible impact that one man has had on the gaming industry.
The games we’re looking forward to in May 2024
Availability: Out 2nd May on PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S.
Visually striking, tonally arresting, dark and bizarre, Indika is a third-person narrative about a nun in early 19th century Russia who sets out on a journey of discovery while accompanied by… the devil. Absolutely one to look out for.
V Rising
Availability: Out 8th May on PC, PS5.

V Rising’s been in Early Access for a while, since May 2022 in fact, but it’s finally out for real this month. It’s 70,000 Steam reviews sit at “very positive”, and we enjoyed what we played of V Rising back in 2022. It’s effectively a vampire simulator – hunt for blood, build a castle, do cool Dracula things. Sounds fangtastic.
Availability: Out 9th May on PC.

1000xResist was nominated for three awards at the IGF festival back in March – Excellence in Narrative, the Nuovo Award and the Seumas McNally Grand Prize – which should serve as a good enough recommendation. It’s a sci-fi narrative game about humanity and control, and it’s published by Fellow Traveller – who handled Citizen Sleeper, so they must have some taste.
Availability: Out 9th May on PC.

Speaking of IGF awards, Cryptmaster won the Excellence in Design award thanks to a potentially ingenious premise: a dungeon adventure where encounters are solved by whatever you type, or speak, into the game – where you can apparently say anything. It’s a fascinating idea and supremely cool game to look at. We’re excited.
Crow Country
Availability: Out 9th May on PC.

A PS One-styled retro horror game, Crow Country’s developed a cult following amongst classic Silent Hill and Resident Evil fans. Perhaps the spookiest thing about it though is that the original PlayStation, my first home console, undisputably counts as retro now. It’ll happen to you!
Animal Well
Availability: Out 9th May on PC, PS5, Nintendo Switch.
We’ve had our eyes on this one for a long, long time, after whispers started to do the rounds of something truly special coming up. In a year of extraordinary Metroidvanias, this one could potentially be the very best.
Availability: Out 9th May on PC, Switch.

Hello yes it really is another indie game coming out on 9th May that looks brilliant. This ones a joyous game about climbing, often in pairs, and always with wonderfully silly physics. More on this one very soon.
Homeworld 3
Availability: Out 13th May on PC.
Delayed and delayed again, Homeworld 3’s development has seemingly been troubled, but this series is legendary in RTS circles, and Homeworld 3 looks nothing if not epic in scale. Fingers crossed developer Blackbird Interactive can stick the landing.
Read Only Memories: Neurodiver
Availability: Out 16th May on PC, Switch, PS4, Xbox Series X/S.

A supremely cool-looking 80s-themed narrative adventure, Read Only Memories: Neurodiver is actually a sequel to 2064: Read Only Memories. Your job is to track down a mysterious antagonist acting as a “psychic agent”. It looks unequivocally rad.
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes
Availability: Out 16th May on PC, Switch.

The latest game from Simogo, developer of the poptastic Sayonara Wild Hearts, Lorelei and the Laser Eyes seems a bit more cerebral, being based on intricate, number-heavy puzzle-solving. As ever though it is intensely stylish, and we’re very keen to give it a proper look come launch.
Songs of Conquest
Availability: Out 20th May on PC.

Another that’s been in Early Access since May 2022, Songs of Conquest looks to be a cult hit amongst retro RTS fans. Understandably so, as it’s utterly gorgeous, evocative of Heroes of Might and Magic, which is very much the explicit, turn-based-tactical inspiration here. We’re looking forward to it rather a lot.
Paper Trail
Availability: Out 21st May on PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, Switch, Mobile.
We very much enjoyed what we played of Paper Trail during Steam Next Fest earlier this year. It’s a clever puzzler in that classic iPhone game style: lovely, tastefully restrained art, combined with a single ingenous gimmick, this time of folding maps that reveal new perspectives for you to advance.
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2
Availability: Out 21st May on PC, Xbox Series X/S.

The first and maybe only true AAA game out this May, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 brings a welcome dollop of outrageous visual fidelity. What’ll be most interesting here is how much further developer Ninja Theory can mine the depths of mental health struggles for ideas – did the first one say all there is to be said about it? Either way, we’re very excited.
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Availability: Out 23rd May on Switch.

Nintendo continues its end-of-life cycle for the Switch with another Mario remake, albeit of something of a cult favourite. As ever, the series is nothing if not inventive, and we’re looking forward to going back to an old gem.
Availability: Out 28th May on PC.

MultiVersus’ approach of coming out in “beta”, charging players real money for in-game items, then entirely removing itself from storefronts was certainly a choice. But classic Warner Bros. financial scumbaggery aside, it was actually very fun, and as a long-suffering Smash Bros. player I’m personally keen to try out another game in the genre that isn’t filled with several thousand identical Fire Emblem characters.
Skald: Against the Black Priory
Availability: Out 30th May on PC.

A retro-style RPG redolent of C64 classics, Skald: Against the Black Priory has been on our list for what seems like forever. It’s extraordinarily intricate environments and seemingly very faithful approach to design have us totally hooked.
Other games coming out in May 2024
Yet another utterly packed month for indie games, but May is very thin on the ground for bigger stuff. Here are a few other notable games coming out though:
- Endless Ocean Luminous
- Pocket Oasis
- Braid: Anniversary Edition
- Baladins
- Men of War 2
- Hauntii
- Zet Zillions
- World of Goo 2
- F1 2024